
On August 27, 2015 the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) announced the recipients of the Gulf Coast Conservation Grants Program (GCCGP), and Restore the Earth Foundation has received funding to restore 200 acres of cypress forest marsh in Montegut, Louisiana. With this grant, our partners and volunteers will plant 20,000 native trees in Pointe-aux-Chenes Wildlife Management Area, bringing environmental, social, and economic benefits to the people and wildlife that rely on the Gulf’s critical ecosystems.

This NFWF program addresses strategic conservation projects in partnership with Shell, Southern Company, SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc., and USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. By engaging in this collaborative effort, Restore the Earth further enhances coastal watersheds, bolsters priority fish and wildlife populations, and strengthens coastal resiliency along the Gulf Coast.

See the full list of grantees.