the earth’s third largest watershed

Over 20 years we’ve executed some of the largest reforestation efforts in the U.S. … and our work to restore 1 million acres continues.

acres reforested & 1 Million acres in the pipeline

15 Billion
gallons of fresh water diverted

32 Million
mt of carbon sequestered

additional environmental, social & economic benefits generated
Cultivating value.
For two decades, we’ve been implementing successful nature-based decarbonization models that also offer great co-benefits and investment returns. By using both private and public funding,
we’re able to reforest more land for every dollar invested
compared to traditional efforts. Our projects create highest-quality carbon offsets and generate long-lasting environmental, social, and economic value and co-benefits to landowners and local communities.
“The Regional Conservation Partnership Program is a public-private partnership working at its best. The new projects will harness the power of partnership to help bring about solutions to natural resource concerns across the country while supporting our efforts to combat the climate crisis.”
Terry Cosby – Acting Chief
Delivering meaningful impacts.
We work closely with state and federal partners to identify and access large scale project sites with the most meaningful and beneficial impact on landscapes, ecosystems, and surrounding communities. Our projects build on established state and federal conservation easement programs for marginal lands, ensuring that our reforestation efforts will be permanently maintained and managed.
Partnering for long-term verifiable outcomes.
Partnerships are the cornerstone of our work. Integrity, transparency and accountability are at the heart of each one. We monitor, third party verify, and report on the full value of our projects and their outcomes. And together, we’re working toward a vision of large-scale restoration assuring a healthy environment for future generations, for years to come.
Highest-integrity carbon offsets & additional environmental, social & economic outcomes.
State & Federal
More conservation easements under management & more wildlife habitat.
Additional revenue streams, and improved soil & water quality and quantity.
Stability, jobs, flood mitigation, education & recreational opportunities.