Originally published by CECP on March 6, 2018.

By PJ Marshall, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Restore the Earth Foundation. 

As the world counts down to two degrees, innovative companies are taking the lead and filling the policy void. Businesses are voluntarily setting quantifiable climate change targets; many committing to carbon neutrality. Going even further, visionary corporate leaders are delivering on climate commitments through enduring solutions that possess significant, measurable co-benefits.

For forward-thinking organizations like Eileen Fisher Foundation, VMWare, and Timberland, landscape-scale restoration is a powerful climate solution and an integral tool in their sustainability arsenal. Landscape-scale restoration is exactly as it sounds — rather than a patchwork approach, restoration projects are scaled from 10,000-100,000 acres to maximize impact and amplify the co-benefits.

What tree planting lacks in novelty and pizzazz, it makes up for in practicality, return, and impact. Listed as a solution in Article 5.1 of the final Paris Agreement, this “engineered-by-nature” climate solution is a self-sustaining approach that takes a long-term perspective of decades. For those considering options to deliver on ambitious carbon offset commitments, here are three reasons why investing in landscape-scale restoration makes great sense.

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